
I have been programming with Delphi for about 4-5 years now, and Pascal for a good 4 years before that, so you could say that Pascal is sorta like my mother tongue.

I do a little bit of coding with VC++, but nowhere near the volume that I get around to with Delphi. My main areas of interest are Neural networks, AI, electronics, VLSI (well, I am sorta a geek:),graphics programming in general and game programming in specific. My preferred graphics API is OpenGL and language is Delphi (obviously!)

Over the course of my game programming voyage, I feel I have learnt a lot, most of it from the Internet, and this is my attempt to give some back. I hope the articles on this site help you.

If you would like to see any information or links on this site, drop me a line, and I will try to get back to you.

>>Mail me

I have to write this. All the source and executables provided on this site are provided "as-is" without any guarantees. By downloading and/or running programs from this site, you are doing so at your own risk, although I have taken all efforts to make the code as clean as possible. The source code on this site is written and maintained by me, and I try to give credit to anyone I borrow from. Please do let me know if you find some code on my site that you are sure isnt mine, and for which I have not awarded appropriate credit, and I will rectify it immediately.