The OpenGL interface units GL.pas, GLu.pas and a file containing OpenGL extension interfaces GLExt.pas >>GLHeaders.zip
(23.6 KB)
The GLUT interface unit and GLUT DLL >>GLUTPack.zip
(133 KB)
The source for the OpenGL wrapper tutorial (with EXE) >>TOpenGLtut.zip
(173 KB)
The source for the Texture wrapper tutorial (with EXE) >>TTexturetut.zip
(305 KB)
The source for the camera class tutorial (with EXE) >>TCameratut.zip
(236 KB)
EXE demo for the character animation article >>CharAnimExample.zip
(1.61 MB)
Lucifer files (required for the Interface tut) >>Lucifer.zip
(18 KB)
Lucifer 2 source files >>Lucifer2.zip
(447 KB)
EXE demo for the character animation article >>InterfaceElements.zip
(244 KB)

Demo and source for the current version of Lucifer.

(447 KB)
The source accompanying the frustum culling tutorial >>Frustumculling.zip
(185 KB)
The source accompanying the texturemapped fonts tutorial. Also included is a utility to generate your own font bitmaps. >>FontClass.zip
(522 KB)
The source and a sample project for the TGLRenderToVideo class >>AVIGenTut.zip
(242 KB)